Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Men Don't Cheat

Men don't cheat, they are simply fulfilling a biological necessity. Millions of years ago the human race evolved from simpler species. The survival of the human race was in question and would remain in question unless it expanded at the fastest rate possible.

The biological imperative men feel is nothing more than this race instinct for survival. Death rates were high amongst the fledgling human race and only the fittest would survive. Women and children were especially vulnerable. While pregnant, women could do little to protect themselves or avoid the the onslaught of ravenous beasts. As newborns, and for the first several years of their lives, children were prey, unable to protect themselves from disease, drought, famine or by being eaten. They survived only by the protection of their mother and that of the community. Even with such collective caring and protection, death was common. With death rates so high among both young and adult, the survival of the human race could not be assured.

Evolution developed a way to ensure that humanity would survive. Because pregnancy required nine months to resolve and the women were increasingly defenseless, helpless and vulnerable during this period, nature devised a process by which the odds of survival would be tipped in humanity's favor.

Evolution requires that only the fittest survive. Only the fittest women, only the fittest children and only the fittest men would survive to pass their genes on to future generations. In this way, the gene pool would increasingly improve producing more and more hardy members capable of withstanding harsh climes, stringent circumstances and the dangers of attacking beasts. But for men, nature added another element.

Because the death rates among women and children were so high, the number of women required to assure the survival of the human race was many times greater than that of men. The birth and nurturing process further increased the time that women would be out of circulation, unable to effectively pass on their genes. Due to these processes, evolution determined that only those men who could impregnate the greatest number of women would dominate to pass on their genes to future generations.

Clearly, modern men have no desire to impregnate mass hordes of women, but the biological imperative to couple with as many women as possible remains.

Only those men who are highly spiritually astute and evolved with a higher degree of spiritual consciousness can override the base instincts of their genes. Their biological imperative can be subordinated and these men can find satisfaction with a single companion for a lifetime. But, few men have attained this degree of spiritual awareness.

Men do not cheat, they are simply following the biological and genetic urges which evolution has so cleverly devised.

Perry Jones is a successful author and urban philosopher.

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